Just for franks ties to las vegas, he was elected to the gaming hall of fame in 1997. Frank sinatra, the voice of frank sinatra columbia c112, 1946 78scolumbia cl6001, 1948 lp reissued columbialegacy 19075852681, 2018 side one. The voice was originally a set of four 10 78s, issued by columbia in 1946. Frank sinatra wikipedia bahasa melayu, ensiklopedia bebas. Frank sinatra, the greatest vocalist in the history of american music, elevated popular song to an art. Frank sinatra and the scandalous but scholarly biography. It was first issued as a set of four 78 rpm records totaling eight songs, the individual discs given columbia 78 catalog numbers 36918, 36919, 36920, and 36921. Long before thompson met italian clothier umberto autore, and decades before he would write about autore in a book called sinatras tailor, thompson was immersed in sinatras mellifluous tones both through records on the phonograph and the voice of his own professionalsinger father. During the 82 years that frank sinatra was drawing breath, his recording output was prolific, stretching from his 1946 debut, the voice of frank sinatra right through 1994s duets ii. The voice of frank sinatra book 1947 first edition. Frank sinatras music career started in 1946 with the release if his first album the voice of frank sinatra.
Frank sinatra, the columbia years 19431952 the reprise collection concepts the columbia years 19431952. The man, the voice, the mafia ties frank sinatra was not only a singular talent but a master schemer, according to james kaplans new biography of. Despite nancy insisting on more control over the purse strings, sinatra bought his parents a new. He released his debut album, the voice of frank sinatra, in 1946. Frank sinatra you go to my head the voice of frank. In keeping with the established format for pop 78s, the disc was also 10.
It also talks about how he got his fame, starting in clubs and bars and moving up to times square and the paramount. As it ended in 1954 it left room for at least two sequels and i was so looking forward to them. Frank sinatra the voice of frank sinatra 1946, shellac. He was a dominant power in the entertainment industriesradio, records, movies, gambling. I think ive been shadowed by frank sinatra my whole life, author mark thompson says. Sinatras birth, beginning on page one, was dramatic. The voice of frank sinatra is the first studio album by american singer frank sinatra, released in 1946. Sinatra found success as a solo artist after he signed with columbia records in 1943, becoming the idol of the bobby soxers. Chuck granata is a writer, record producer music historian and archivist. The voice, james kaplans riveting 786page biography of frank sinatras early years, the author pinpoints the moment in 1943 when the crooners new publicist, george b. December 12, 1915 may 14, 1998 was an american singer, actor and producer who was one of the most popular and influential musical artists of the 20th century. The voice of frank sinatra is the first studio album by american singer frank sinatra, released on columbia records, catalogue c112, march 4, 1946. Sinatra had singing style which endeared him to his fans.
He is the author of the awardwinning book sessions with sinatra. In 48, the voice of frank sinatra, also a 10 record, was columbas debut lp. In 1946, sinatras debut release, the voice of frank sinatra, helped introduce both the concept album and the box set. Frank sinatra songs by sinatra 1946 columbia 4 disc 78 rpm 10 album c 124. Writing about a superb recording of sweet lorraine sinatra made with a group of jazz allstars in 1946. Stream adfree with amazon music unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. Kaplan shows that the badguy stuff was, in truth, pretty bad, about as bad as one had imagined and a lot worse than one. The voice of frank sinatra by frank sinatra on amazon. In his explosive new book sinatras longtime friend and manager eliot weisman reveals that the singer often carried a loaded gun on stage and was most. Also in 1946, sinatra released his first studio album, the voice of frank sinatra, and embarked on a crosscountry tour. Frank sinatra, axel stordahl the voice of frank sinatra. Frank sinatra conducts the music of alec wilder frank sinatra conducts tone poems of color the man i love sleep warm frank sinatra conducts music from pictures and plays syms by sinatra box sets the voice. Over two sessions, he performed the eight songs included in the voice of frank sinatra, which columbia released as a fourlp set of 78rpm records on march 4, 1946.
Last year i received frank, the making of a legend which i and others thought it the best book ever written about sinatra. Frank sinatra the reader wiki, reader view of wikipedia. Over two sessions, he performed the eight songs included in the voice. Originally issued as a collection of 78s, the voice of frank sinatra is his debut. Columbia stayed with albums of this size until 1952. Kaplans first book of his frank sinatra twovolume biography was published in 2011. Friedwalds central point is that sinatra had more to do with shaping the standard repertoire of american popular music than anybody else.
The voice of a century maturity and heartache helped turn the voice into an artist and then into a legend. Orchestra axel stordahl 1946 first album remastered, an album by frank sinatra on spotify we and our partners use cookies to personalize your experience, to show you ads based on your interests, and for measurement and. New book alleges sinatra once bagman for mafia the. It talks about his early life, including his childhood and his family. The youthful voice is silky and full of nonchalant longing, the perfect crooners paradox. At almost 720 pages, there was never a dull moment while reading it. It doesnt matter that his pitch or techincal skills were lacking. When rereleased in 1955 on this 12 disc, only five of the original tracks were included. Released in 1946 as an eight song set of 10 78s, the 1948 reissue of the voice of frank sinatra cl 6001 was columbia records very first lp. In fact, this book isnt, strictly speaking, about frank sinatra at all.
Related information for frank sinatra francis albert sinatra born december 12, 1915 in hoboken, new jersey. If the listener enjoys his singing, with all the flaws you care to identify, the person enjoying his singing just doesnt care. Dont show too much nuanced emotion, but always sound like youre dreaming of something beyond our daily. Listen to your favorite songs from the voice of frank sinatra by frank sinatra now. Frank sinatra as the voice in the 1940s the new york times.
Also it talks a lot about his family and why sinatra was the way he was. Find the value of your frank sinatra 78 rpm records based on auction sales history. This reissue is available now exclusively through vinyl me please at the link below. Celebrating the voice of frank sinatra vinyl me, please. Frank sinatras baritone voice is still resonating over the cars radio. Four years before his death, sinatras last album duets ii was released and was his 59th studio album.
But by the early 1950s his professional career had stalled and he turned to las vegas, where he became one of its best known residency performers as part of the rat pack. Valueyourmusic free frank sinatra 78 rpm records price guide. Some critics consider the 1946 debut the voice of frank sinatra the first concept album. It was released on columbia records, set c112, march 4, 1946. I was expecting the sound to be compromised with what vmp had stated, but like one other comment, this is. The voice by james kaplan is the story of frank sinatra. The cause was a heart attack, said his publicity agent, susan reynolds. But in 1948, sinatras popularity slumped due to rumors of an affair with marilyn maxwell, womanizing, a violent temper, and an association with the mob which would always haunt him despite his denials. The voice of frank sinatra 4 78 rpm w book columbia 112. Umberto autore book keeps ties alive between author, sinatra.
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